My little world of knitting, crocheting, and sewing craziness.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I don't like birds

Ok, I hate birds. I don't hate ducks, because they are cute with the big fluffy butts and all, but all other birds, I really can't stand. Wait, penguins are ok too. Anyway. I recently took out my avian hostilities in a craft contest. Meet Chauncey. He's a macrame owl. Sort of. In a way that would probably bring the inventor of macrame back from the dead to kick my ass.

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Today I made some more stitch markers. These are the perfect project for those days when you get a couple of hours to yourself - five seconds at a time. I even managed to get them on ebay again. That's three weeks in a row of having my act together. Yay me.

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Tomorrow is Project Clean the Pit. If you don't hear from me by Thursday, send in emergency help - maybe those ladies from How Clean is Your House?

Did you know this blog has a grand scheme in the works? Being moved to my permanent URL and all kinds of fun things? Well, now you do. I'd tell you more, but, well, you know.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Chauncey should become the Craft Pit mascot. He can hang on the wall and preside over all things Box crafty.