My little world of knitting, crocheting, and sewing craziness.

Monday, March 07, 2005

A Slow Weekend

Not a lot of stitching got done this weekend, but we did do a lot of baby preparation stuff, like installing the car seat and washing some clothes. This was followed by sitting around saying things such as "yikes, we're going to have another BABY around here!"

I did get to color #3 on the sunsuit, another day of this and I can divide the back and front and actually finish the thing. When that got too boring I played with dishcloths again, crocheting a couple of the angels from Janelle's site:

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and a cabled owl, again by Janelle Schlossman. I told you she did amazing stuff.

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This morning I took a stab at sewing a rolled hook/needle case. This one was my first attempt and is crochet hook sized. Now that I can pretend to know what I'm doing (hah) it is time to sew some for needles.

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