My little world of knitting, crocheting, and sewing craziness.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Baby, you're a star

A star shaped baby afghan. I'm not sure about the colors I used, but this blanket took 48 hours from first chain to weaving in the ends - nothing to complain about there. I'm seeing it in white, blue, and gray as a favorite baby gift for Dallas Cowboy freaks. This one has a few issues with being a little wavy, but by the time I found out why that was happening (not skipping enough stitches around the shell) I was on row 19 and not about to start over. Embrace the wavy.

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Now what? Something small and easy, I think. Baby will be here next week no matter what, and I have little to no powers of concentration left.


Anonymous said...

Looks great Box, mine waved like that too, I just stretched it and it looks sort of normal now.


Lisa said...

I love it, beautiful work!

Anonymous said...

That is just beautiful! I like the wave to it. I would buy one if I had a baby to give it to!