My little world of knitting, crocheting, and sewing craziness.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Finally, the Book Thong

Ever since I saw the book thongs on crochetme, I've been trying to make one. My crochet was just not up to par, so I started practicing on dishcloths. We know how that turned out. Well, now I can do book thongs. Yay. I love it, and want to make about one million more.

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Of course, while visiting that site for the book thong pattern, I decided I was capable of making the Fleuri bag. This one came out a little small, because the yarn is worsted weight. The handles are just brass rings, saving my cool wooden rings for the next Fleuri. This thing is adorable and so easy to do. Pardon the blinding white background, I had to crank up the brightness in order for the rose pattern to show.

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What would a blog entry be without some odd crochet creature? Yeah. Here's a butterfly washcloth. My ribbon tying didn't work out as well as hers, but the flattened out cloth looks right.

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Now I am determined to do the finishing on that little sunsuit/onesie thing. Here I am, with my snap tape and thread, going to go do that. Right now. This is me. Doing it.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Good gosh girl, you are the queen of finished projects, the fleuri bag turned out gorgeously, and I want to swipe that book thong.