My little world of knitting, crocheting, and sewing craziness.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Are we still having fun?

Getting ready for this craft fair? Yes, yes we are. Finished two dozen sets of marble magnets last night. I knew I'd have trouble capturing this in a picture, but here you can kind of see how cool the fibers and patterns like cabling look with the magnified effect of the glass marble.

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Those are packed up and out of here, so now I am concentrating on the needle cases. I've got the design (very simple) all worked out and I can even get the lines straight for the pockets. That's exciting in my world. This is the test one I made this morning using some scraps. There is a big stack of them cut out and ready to sew sitting by my sewing table. Guess what I'm doing this weekend?

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Anonymous said...

the marble magnets look great! I want to know more about how you make them...

Anonymous said...

that was me there as anonymous. I can't remember who I am on :lol
