My little world of knitting, crocheting, and sewing craziness.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I should be sewing

But I'm not. Later today, ok? I will. Definitely.

The star blanket from the crochet along is finished, ends weaved and all. It wasn't that bad, and I like the striping better than just a plain 3 colors.

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With that, there was not a single WIP in the tote. The horror. So, being bored, and having just had a frapuccino that I am quite sure was not the decaf I ordered, I started the asymmetrical bulky baby cardigan (scroll down that page for pattern). I really like the pattern's lack of row counting, it is a great tv watching project. I don't really care for this yarn (Lionbrand Jiffy) on the aluminum needles, next time I'll use something else and my bamboo 10's. You can't stop me. I'm crazy like that.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are totally killing me with your blog--I can't believe how much you can get done with a new baby and two more kids around.

I'm JEALOUS, woman.

Come to my house and school the grasshoppah.
