My little world of knitting, crocheting, and sewing craziness.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Hey, it's another hat!

How originial, huh? This is one I made for a charity auction. How spiffy is that rhinestone button in the middle of the flower? See, I can be creative. Sometimes.

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So now I just have that doll size star blankie in progress, and though TFLW are on the needles still, I think they are obsolete, over, done, not happening.

It is getting really hard to be motivated about knitting or crocheting because it is officially hot weather now. Bleah.


Anonymous said...

I like your choice of colors very much on that hat, but then you could probably knit a swatch with black and I'd be happy.

Never say never on TFLW. They'll be looking pretty attractive when the weather gets cold again.

Think it might be time for knitted/crocheted accessories? ;)

Lisa said...

I love these hats.

I am with you on the heat affecting the crocheting/knitting. I need more small projects that won't cover me in yarn.