My little world of knitting, crocheting, and sewing craziness.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Oh dear, the hats

So yes, we have a baby girl in the house now. Somehow this has made me become utterly obsessed with making cute little hats. Like, say, this one.

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First I made a white one, but it was a little bit small, so I made the purple one. My model does not care for posing just yet, so I had to sneak the picture while she was asleep. Poor kid doesn't stand a chance with me, does she?

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In between hat silliness, I am working on a crochet baby sling for the summer. The pouch part is almost done, then I just need to do the strap. She is too small for it now, but later this summer we will have some fun in it!

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This morning I ordered this book Too Cute Crochet for Babies & Toddlers : A Whimsical Collection of Hats, Scarves, Mittens & Booties
by Cynthia Preston - so there is really no end to this baby goofiness in sight.

I'd better find a knitting project soon, or I'll be kicked out of my knitting group, won't I? Eek.


Jennifer said...

She loves it, I can tell!! :x


Jeana said...

She is so beautiful, Box. That hats are great too.